Nice Wehrmacht Musiker related grouping.
The grouping belonged to Stabsfeldwebel Bruno Schmidt. Bruno started his career in April 1931 in the 14.Kompanie 21.Infanterie Regiment. He switched to the Stab of that same regiment in April 1933. In the period from September 1934 until August 1939 he served in different units. Stab III.Bataillon Infanterie Regiment 40, 106 and 95 and 21.
During the invasion of Poland, Luxemburg and France Bruno Served in the Stab of Infanterie Regiment 213. With this regiment he also participated in the invasion of Russia.
In Juni 1943 Bruno served with in the Stab of the 7.Gebirgs-Division were he was active until the 4th of October 1944. With this division Bruno saw action in Lappland. Bruno was also the Korpsfuhrer der Musikkompanie of the 7.Gebirgs-Division.
The last unit Bruno served in was the 1 and 2.Kompanie Feld Ersatz Bataillon 82. This unit was operational in Finnland and Norwegen.
According to the Wehrpass Bruno earned the following awards; Sportabzeichen in Bronze, Dienstauszeichnung 4.Klasse, Ostmedaille, Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2.Klasse and the Medaille zur Erinnerung 13 Marz 1938.
The grouping consist out of;
Product Number | 20761 |
Weight | 0.175000 |
branch | Gebirgsjäger/Jäger, Heer |
Unit: | Piece |