Stabs-Kp.Gren.Rgt.12 KvKII Award Document

Nice Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2.Klasse document awarded to Stabsfeldwebel Alfred Rühl..
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The overall condition of the document is very good. Shows normal signs of wear. The KvKII was awarded on 20 April 1943 to Alfred who served in the Stabskompanie Grenadier Regiment 12. This regiment was formed in 1932! as Infanterie Regiment 12 and fell under the 31.Infanterie-Division. In May 1940 it saw its first combat during the invasion of the Low countries, in Belgium. Also fought in France. In late 1940 the division and its units where moved to Poland. Here they prepared for the invasion of Russia. It fought in areas like, Bialystok,Smolensk,Tula, Juchnow,orel and Bobruisk. It was destroyed in June 1944. Remains of the division where used to form the 31.Grenadier-Division.
The document is signed by Oberst Hermann Flörke. Hermann was later promoted to Generalleutnant and in December 1943 won the Ritterkreuz. 

More Information
Product Number 12820
Weight 0.008000
branch Heer
Unit: Piece

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