Sich.Rgt.66 KVKII Award Document


Worn Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2.Klasse award document.

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The document shows overall signs of wear. Probably cut to size once so it would fit into a frame. The medal was awarded on the 20th of April 1944 to Obergefreiten Wilhelm Weber who served in the 2.Kompanie Sicherungs Regiment 66. This regiment was formed in September 1940 as Landesschützen Regiment 66 and moved to France directly after it was formed. In Oktober 1943 it was renamed into Sichrungs Regiment 66 and a month later the I.Bataillon moved to Russia as part of Heeresgruppe Mitte. It was destroyed in June 1944 in the Mogilow area.

More Information
Product Number 28429
Weight 0.003000
branch Heer
Unit: Piece

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