Inf.Rgt.(mot.)11 VWA Award Document


Nice Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz award document awarded to Gefreitne Josef Brunnmayr.

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The overall condition of the document is very good. The VWA was awarded to Gefreiter Josef Brunnmayer who served in the Stabskompanie Infanterie Regiment (mot.) 11. The regiment saw its first action during the invasion of Poland. After that it participated in the invasion of Russia. It fought in aereas like, Kowno, Leningrad and Demjansk.
Josef was awarded the Verwundetenabzeichen on the 1st of June 1942 for his wound he got on the 30th of April 1942.
The document is signed by the Chefartz of Reserve Lazarett Heilbronn.

More Information
Product Number 20264
Weight 0.008000
branch Heer
Unit: Piece

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