The card shows overall normal signs of wear. According the notice Franz died on the 26 March 1943 South of El Hamman, Tunesia, Afrika. Franz was drafted in the 1.Gebirgs-Artillerie-Ersatz-Abteilung 79. At the moment of his dead Franz served in the 4.Batterie Artillerie Regiment 220. This regiment was part of the 164.Infanterie-Division. In June 1942 the division was used to form Festungs-Division Kreta. In August parts of the division was used to form the 164.leichte Afrika-Division. The unit of Franz was amongst this. The division fought under Panzergruppe Afrika at El Alamein and later in Lybia and Tunesia.
See the last picture for extra info (please note that we don't own that info card).
Product Number | 14445 |
Weight | 0.002000 |
branch | Gebirgsjäger/Jäger |
Unit: | Piece |