k-Übungsleiter-Ausweis & Führerausweis der Hitler-Jugend


Very nice Führerausweis der Hitler-Jugend in used, but good condition.

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The pass shows overall normal signs of wear. It's solid. It belonged to a boy named Wilhelm Seemeier. The portrait of Wilhelm is present. Wilhelm was Kameradschaftsführer within Bann 398 in Zeitz. In Octobr 1939 Wilhelm was promoted to Schaftsfüher and in January 1940 into Oberschaftsfüher.
The other document/pass is a so-called 'k-übungsleiter-Ausweis' or certificate. Dated 15 June 1940. 
Harder to find passes.

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Product Number 29280
Weight 0.010000
branch DJ/HJ/BDM
Unit: Piece

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