Br.Kol.B./Gebirgs-Pionier-Battaillon 85 EKM


Very nice and hard to find Gebirgs Pionier related dog tag in used, but very good condition. 

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The tag or 'Erkennungsmarke' shows overall signs of wear. It belonged to a soldier who served in the Brücken Kolonne B Geibrgs Pionier Bataillon 85. This unit was formed in July 1938 in Salzburg. It saw it's first combat during the invasion of Poland and had the task to clear mines and obstacles. In was also active in the Lemberg area. During the invasion of France in May 1940 the bataillon had the task to clear the roads, in the Ardennes, of obstacles. 
After that the bataillon participated in the Greece campaign and had the task to build roads for the Wehrmacht advance. The battalion also fought on the Metaxas-line and built a bridge over the Nestos at Xanthi. 
During the invasion of Russia the bataillon saw combat on the Djnepr position. In March 1942 the Brücken Kolonne was seperated from the bataillon and made it into an independent unit. 
The 'O' on the tag stands for the soldier's bloodtype.  

More Information
Product Number 25556
Weight 0.020000
branch Gebirgsjäger/Jäger
Unit: Piece

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