7./Inf.Rgt.415 ISA Award Document


Nice Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber award document awarded to Unteroffizier Kurt Werder.

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The overall condition of the document is fine. It has overall signs of wear, but it's solid. The medal was awarded on the 15th of March 1942 to Edmund who served in the 7.Kompanie Infanterie Regiment 415. This regiment was formed in October 1940 and was part of the 123.Infanterie-Division. The division and her units saw combat in June 1941 during the invasion of Russia in areas like Demjansk and Cholm. The division was disbanned in Marz 1944 and became Divisionsgruppe 123 as part of the Korpsabteilung F. Infanterie Regiment 415 became Regimentsgruppe 415. The unit became part of the 62.Infanterie-Division in July 1944 and fought in Jassy where it was destroyed in August 1944. 



More Information
Product Number 19546
Weight 0.002000
branch Heer
Unit: Piece

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