7-Piece Afrikakorps Veteran 1957 Ribbon Bar


Very nice Wehrmacht veteran bandspange in good condition. 

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The ribbon bar or 'bandspange' shows overall normal signs of wear. It's a so-called 57er (1957) version worn by a Wehrmacht veteran. The bar is complete with red backing and working pin. It consist out of the ribbons of the following medals Eisernes Kreuz 2.Klasse, Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwertern, Kriegsverdienstkreuz ohne Schwertern, Kriegsverdienstkreuz, Ostmedaille, Treuedienst Ehrenzeichen and the Deutsch-Italienische Feldzugsmedaille.

More Information
Product Number 28786
Weight 0.020000
branch Multiple (Wehrmacht)
Unit: Piece

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