13.(I.G.)Inf.Rgt.420 Award Document Set


A nice set of Infanterie Regiment 420 related award documents in good condition .

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Both documents shows overall normal signs of wear. It consist out of a Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz (awarded on 21.Juni 1942) and a Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber (awarded on 25.Februari 1943) document. They were awarded to Gefreiten Max Benker who served in the 13.Infanteriegeschütz Kompanie of Infanterie Regiment 420. This regiment was parts of the 125.Infanterie-Division and fought on the eastern front in areas like Charkow,Mius, Novorossisk, Kaukasus and Kuban. 
The Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber is signed by Oberstleutnant Göbel wearer of the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold and the Ritterkreuz with Eichenlaub. 

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Product Number 11294
Weight 0.010000
branch Heer
Unit: Piece

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